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Non-verbal communication means communication without words.

The phrase is normally taken to mean shrugs, gestures, winks, and so on. It more or less translates as "body language". It even includes tone of voice.

Non-verbal communication may be intended, or it may consist of signals that someone emits without intending to, or maybe even knowing it is happening. For example, we talk of someone "closing up" when you reveal something about yourself, or ask that individual a personal question.

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all the above

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I think you mean nonverbal. If that's the case, nonverbal means:# Being other than verbal; not involving words: nonverbal communication. # Involving little use of language: a nonverbal intelligence test. # Measuring low on a scale of verbal ability.

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True. Nonverbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions, posture, and tone of voice, all of which can vary across cultures and reflect specific cultural values and norms.