

What do you mean by run time memory allocation?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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When the allocation of memory to the program is done on need, during the execution of a program, it is called as the dynamic memory allocation.

Memory is allocated from a free memory pool called as heap.The only way to access this dynamically allocated memory is through pointers.

Dynamically allocated memory can be freed at run time and again added to heap.

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A reallocation. Note that whenever we reallocate an array, we increase the size of the current allocation if there is sufficient free memory beyond the current allocation or we allocate entirely new memory if there isn't. But when we reduce the size of an array, we simply release the redundant memory at the end of the array; we never allocate new memory. However, because the amount of memory being allocated has to either increase or reduce in size, both are termed a reallocation.

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What do you understand by static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation?

MEMORY ALLOCATION MODELS……STATIC MEMORY ALLOCATION DYNAMIC MEMORY ALLOCATIONMemory is allocated before the execution of the program begins.(During Compilation)Memory is allocated during the execution of the program.No memory allocation or deallocation actions are performed during Execution.Memory Bindings are established and destroyed during the Execution.Variables remain permanently allocated.Allocated only when program unit is active.Implemented using stacks and heaps.Implemented using data segments.Pointer is needed to accessing variables.No need of Dynamically allocated pointers.Faster execution than Dynamic.Slower execution than static.More memory Space required.Less Memory space required.

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C++ has 4 distinct regions for memory distribution Stack : This region is used for function calls' return addresses , arguments and local variables Heap : This region is for dynamic allocation of memory (dynamic variables created on run time use this memory , aka RAM) Global Variables : This is used for global variables defined by the programmer Program Code : This region is for the program code.

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coz at the run time object is provided memory , that's why object is called run time entity .

What are problem that can be arise when using allocating memory dynamic memory?

1. Using memory before/after the allocated area.2. Using the memory after deallocation.3. Forgetting deallocation.4. Multiple deallocation.5. Non-checking whether the allocation was succesfull or not.Not releasing dynamically allocated memory when it is no longer needed can cause the system to run out of mmory prematurely .this sometimes called a"memory leak"

What are dynamic memory allocation advantages?

Often an application needs additional memory for the temporary storage of data. For example, the C programming language allows the programmer to use the MALLOC (memory allocate) function to grab a chunk of memory suitable for the applications needs. Failure to release the memory after it is used by using the FREE function can result in problems. It is called dynamic memory allocation because the memory is allocated at run-time, as needed. Unlike variables created within functions - the memory is not allocated on the processor stack, instead, when using MALLOC or the 'new' keyword, memory is allocated in the applications virtual address space.

What are the advantages of dynamic memory allocation over static memory allocation?

Readers who are familiar with the concepts of dynamic memory and pointers may wish to skip to the next section of this chapter. In this one, the general concepts of static and dynamic memory is outlined. How these issues are specifically handled in Modula-2 is not taken up again until after the rest of the preliminary discussions are complete. The distinction made in this section is based on the timing and manner for the setting aside of memory for the use of a program. Some memory use is predetermined by the compiler and will always be set aside for the program in exactly the same manner at the beginning of every run of a given program. Other memory is obtained by the program at various points during the time it is running. This memory may only be used by the program temporarily and then released for other uses.

What is the difference between static memory versus dynamic memory?

Dynamic memory can be declared at run-time using the new and delete operators (or malloc and free in C), while static memory must be declared at compile-time.

When was Memory Run created?

Memory Run was created in 1996.