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Orbital energy is the sum of the object's kinetic energy and its gravitational potential energy as it moves through its orbit

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Q: What do you mean by the orbital energy of an orbiting object?
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What does the words orbital speed mean?

Orbital speed is the velocity (speed) of an object as it travels an orbital path around a reference point.

What does it mean if an object has kinetic energy?

an object has no kinetic energy if it is not moving

What does it mean if an object has no kinetic energy?

an object has no kinetic energy if it is not moving

What does it mean when the electrons are excited?

They are in a higher energy orbital than the ground state.

What is the number of electron that can be held in the first orbit?

If you mean 'orbital' then 2. Every orbital holds 2. If you mean energy level one, then it also happens to be 2.

What do the sentence mean an object's total kinetic and potential energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Kinetic energy is stored in an object when you apply force to it, lifting it, for example. That energy stays in the object as potential energy until it is released when you drop the object.

What is Kentic motion?

I think you mean kinetic energy. That is energy of a moving object.

Why is there is a loss of energy during energy transfer?

Because the energy is leaving the object, if that's what you mean.

What does Energy transfers but does not recycle mean?

Energy is transferred from one object to another. It is not recreated.

What is tidal shocking?

do you mean tidal locking? if so it means that one surface of one object always faces the object it is orbiting i.e the moon always facing earth with one side

Can an object be a satellite and orbit another object at the same time?

Yes. The whole idea of being a satellite is that the object orbits another object. If you mean 'can a satellite orbit more than one object', then the answer is also yes. Objects orbiting binary stars would be an example of this.

What does it mean to say energy is conserved within a system?

When an object is accelerated along a distance that requires energy. If the object is then slowed to a stop by a breaking system that gets back that energy then the energy is said to be conserved