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alkaselser and water

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Q: What do you put inside a bottle rocket to make it fly?
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How do you make a rocket fly?

Get a huge bottle of soft drink (Cokes good), place mentos inside and shake bottle. leave the lid on loosely. Place a rocket on top, then, watch it fly!!

How do you think your bottle rocket will fly?

by water being placed into the bottle and then, when you launch your rocket, the rocket will spin (if it has at least 2 fins) and the water will spurt out and make the rocket go higher in the air. (Tip:the more it spins,the higher it will fly)

Will a bottle rocket fly with out water?

Yes if you use compressed air inside the rocket. Or you can use agitated methanol and a flame for thrust like a whoosh rocket.

Will a bottle rocket fly farther if the bottle is bigger?

if the sky is blue, the answer is yes

Does a water bottle rocket fly with more fins?

Yes as it control the dirctions of the rocket.

How water bottle rocket fly?

the rocket is pushing water downwards which means that the water pushes the rocket upwards very hard that it can overcome gravity and fly.

What makes a bottle rocket fly?

Pressure builds up, and when it is released it forces the rocket up.

What can be done to help a bottle rocket fly straight?

Add guide fins to the body of the rocket.

What is the right amount of water to put in a bottle rocket so it will go high?

the right amount of water to put in a bottle rocket so it will fly high is 70 milliliters

Can model rocket fuel be used to make bottle rockets?

"Model rocket fuel" is basically in the form of single-shot engines. You could, I suppose, strap one to a stick and call it a "bottle rocket", but I don't think it would fly very well (and the engine would likely burn off the stick).

Why do bottled rockets fly?

because of the different amounts in pressure, the bubbles in the bottle are making more air and more pressure inside the bottle and when the cap comes off or however you do it. the air inside the rocket rushes out to try to equilize the pressure, causeing it to also be pushed off the ground.

What forces make a rocket fly?
