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The Kitten mother usually finds that out on her own.. something warm (Basket with mat)

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Q: What do you put your new born kittens in?
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Related questions

how do you find your new born kittens when there hiding?

i got told you put cat treats or put cat food

Are kittens born with fur?

new born kittens do have fur and it starts out short but will grow as the cat grows.

What is the colour of eyes of new born kitten?

Kittens are born with blue eyes.

Is basement good spot for kittens to be born?

Kittens can be born anywhere. They just need a darkish, safe area where no predators can get to them. Usually, the mother of the kittens will find a spot to give birth, but if you're worried, you can put the mother in a kennel.

Are kittens born in eggs?

No, kittens are not born in eggs.

Is it normal for new born kittens to twitch?

I don't think so because my cat had two liters of kittens and none of them twitched.

When was Kittens Reichert born?

Kittens Reichert was born on March 3, 1910.

Are kittens covered in fuzz?

Yes, kittens are born with fur on them. This keeps the newborn kittens warm.

What is the collective noun for kittens?

The collective noun for kittens and puppies is a litter of kittens and a litter of puppies.

How is possible that a mother cat have 3 kittens and then have three Moore a couple months later and be different ages?

Well, of coarse since the first 3 kittens were born they will be older by a couple months than the new 3 kittens. :)

What is red green black purple but can't see colors?

spray-painted new-born kittens

The Sims unleashed how do you take care of new born puppies and kittens?

the cat or the dog taking care of it for you