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Give him the direct approach a guy likes a girl who is brave...if you tell your friend to ask he will obviously say no because he doesnt want anyone to know. Guys like girls! If he says no to you dont waste your friendship with him...and dont be desperate you will fall in love many times.

As they say: Another broken heart to Happily Ever After

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Q: What do you say if you like a guy and he doesnt like you that way?
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Im in sixth grade and all i can tell you is act yourself, If he doesnt like you then he doesnt like you, If he likes you the way you are then great, All i can say is if this guy doesnt like you he might later on but if he still doesnt like you the way you are later on, Dont change yourself theres more than one guy in this world.

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sorry to say but this guy just doesnt deserve you if he doesnt feel the same way that you do, you could obviously find someone better than him

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There is no way to make a guy like you by force. He eather likes you or doesnt, that is the bottom line.

What do you do if a guy likes you and you like him back but he doesnt act like he likesyou anymore?

Walk out of the relationship, in a subtle way.

What do you do if the guy you like doesnt feel the same?

There are other fish in the sea. Seriously. Do not go there. What would you do if you felt about Robert Pattison the way you feel about this guy? You'd say "well, he's not going to feel that way about me," and you'd move on. Same here.

If a guy just stares at you does he like you?

no way, he certainly doesnt, infact he might even be just looking at you, you've looked at an old guy before, right? Doesnt mean you love him!

How do you ask a girl that dont like yo?

ask them out and the only way you know that a girl doesnt like you is she doesnt smile at you or say hello

If a guy calls you stuff like god zilla does he like you?

probly not, but is it in a teasing way because if it is then he like you, if it is normal and it hurts you then he doesnt like you

The guy you like knows that you like him and 13 people think he likes you but when people ask him he says no does it mean he doesnt want to tell the truth?

No way. This guy probably likes you and just doesn't want to admit it. But there is the possibility that he is afraid to tell all his friends that, because he is afraid what they will say. I say go for it. Tell him you like him!

What does it mean when a guy looks at you a lot but you have a feeling that he doesnt like you?

The only way to truly get a solid answer is to ask him.

What is the good way to say no when a guy that you don't like asked you out?

There is no good way.

What do you do if you like a guy that doesnt want a relationship?

My advice to you would be to move on. If a guy doesnt want a relationship there is no way to try to convince him otherwise. And if you do, It will only lead to heartache in the long run. Believe me, I wasted about a year of my life in a situation like this....