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depends on if its a friend or just someone random if its a friend ask them if they had a bad day if they did something as bad as stealing a bf then ignore her/him and they will see they cant live without you your there for them ask them if something hapend to make them be that way get to know every detail don't back stab back that is just mean and rude

now if its a boy that's different if they cheated say your not good enough for me i need someone better who resect me(you)it depends who it is, if you know them, and care about themand resect them, try to work it out, if its some random person do what you gotta do, by all means.

love morgiemae <3

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12y ago
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14y ago

I guess you can GET EVEN!!!!!!!!! But, you should be the better person and walkaway!! Even though you want to kick that person butt!!!!!! In my experience, it is best to never turn your back on them. Once a backstabber, always a backstabber. They don't even know why they do it. It is just something they are compelled to do. You can still be sociable with a backstabber, but never trust them again. 2nd paragraph is not true my friend WAS a backstabber and now she is sticking up for me all the time and feels really bad. Talt to them alone and ask why they did that to you if they dont say anything or laughs in your face then paragraph 2 is right.

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14y ago

For your own emotional health, the best plan goes like this: first, look a little deeper than "backstabber". Ask yourself what is really going on inside you. Do you feel betrayed? Scared? These are just suggestions. The main thing is to get a really good handle on your feelings. Poke around in there and have a good look. Next, allow yourself to have all of your feelings. Anger, rage, whatever. Not only allow yourself to have them, but allow yourself to feel ok about having them. In other words, don't listen to any voices that say things like, "You shouldn't feel..." or "That feeling doesn't make sense..." Just know that no matter what, no matter who is "right" or "wrong" here, it is absolutely ok for you to have whatever feelings you're having right now. Take your time and feel them until you're done.

Next, the hard part. Realize, admit to yourself, that those feelings are you, your own, and no one made you feel them. Yes, you feel them, in response to whatever your friend did, but we all choose how to feel, because we all choose how to interpret life. You had your feelings because you assigned a certain meaning to your friend's behavior. In most cases, some misunderstanding has occurred somewhere and someone is misinterpreting someone else. Think about why you had the feelings. How did you interpret your friend's behavior that resulted in those feelings? What did his/her behavior mean to you? Get a clear idea of the reasons for your feelings. It will be very useful to you in knowing yourself, and possibly useful in discussing it with your friend.

Next, decide whether you need to talk to your friend or let it slide. These are your only two options. You will harm yourself if you just walk away from your friend without at least talking about it. Even if you decide that you have to "break up" with your friend, you still need to talk about it. If you decide to let it slide, then really let it slide. If you think you might bring it up again next time you have an argument, then you're not letting it slide, so you need to go ahead and talk about it now.

Wait to talk about it until you and your friend are in some fairly neutral environment. Don't bring it up during an argument. Don't bring it up while you're trying to do something like homework, or in the middle of a movie. Wait until a calm, quiet moment, and start your talk off with a genuine hug for your friend. The reason for this is that it will help you to remember why you're talking about the problem. It's not so you can bash your friend over the head. It's so you can show your vulnerability to your friend and become closer. If you can't do it with this kind of attitude, then wait until you can.

When you talk about it, leave out any labels and name-calling. Don't say "backstabber", for example. In fact, don't start any sentence with "you". Say only "I feel...when you..." or "I felt...when you..." Just say your feelings, and just describe the facts. Don't say, "I feel angry when you act like a jerk!" That's just name-calling again. Don't put any spin on it, or you will cause your friend to become defensive and the whole effort will fall apart.

Your friend may want to tell you that you shouldn't feel that way. Remember that you get to feel however you want, but you must tell your friend why you felt that way. How did you interpret his/her behavior? What did it mean to you? If your friend is your friend, at this point one of you will begin to see the problem. Because if you're really friends, and you tell him/her that it felt like he/she was deliberately hurting you, then he/she will say something like, "No way, I didn't mean that at all." And then you can talk about it and be closer friends than you were before.

What to do if your friend is a backstabber? With any luck, become closer friends.

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13y ago

First, try to talk to your friend about it. It works sometimes! Just tell him/her how much it annoys you. Without any shouting or blaming. If that doesn't work, then you have to try to get away from your friend because this means that your friend won't change. Just try and ignore your friend as much as possible and avoid telling him/her any big secrets. Don't get him/her into your problems when you have one because you never know he/she might do.

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11y ago


It happens all the time by these so called best friends. Drop the best friend and find a friend you can really trust. It takes time and even sometimes when you think you have a friend you can trust, it backfires.

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14y ago

* The best way to handle a backstabbing friend is to face them; look them straight in the eye and tell them that they have broken that bond of trust and you no longer wish to be friends and move on. Good friends don't back stab you and if you remain friends with them then you enable their behavior.

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13y ago

Forgiving someone for anything is your choice. Forgive, but never forget. If they did it once, they can do it again.

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A backstabber; perhaps one who was thought to be a friend but proved otherwise by his or her actions.

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I would say that you know they are talking about you and that you have plenty of friends and don't need a friend like that in your group.

What does a backstabber mean?

It means someone has betrayed you such as if a friend tells you a secret and you tell the secret to other people you have backstabbed your friend hope this helps

Where does the term backstabber originate from?

the word backstabber came from Julius Ceasar one day his best friend Brutus and a group of others attacked him from behind, each taking a stab at him and Brutus had a last stab Caesar did not believe even his best friend took part in his killing

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Backstabber Etiquette was created in 2002.

When was Backstabber - Spunge song - created?

Backstabber - Spunge song - was created in 2007.

How do you know if your friend is a backstabber?

Checking the mobile phone of a person can get you a good idea. Backstabbers contains all the proofs in the mobile phones.