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Q: What do you say to someone who doesn't believe in God when they sneeze?
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The one who doesn't believe god?

someone who doesnt believe theres a God is called and Athiest

What do you call an untrue Christian?

Someone who says there a Christian but dosent act like it. Doesnt read Bible or go to Church Doesnt believe God Refuses God ETC.

15 year old son says he doesnt believe in god?

If someone (even a 15 year old) decides not to believe that there is not a God, then that is their choice - why the need to call them anything - live and let live.

Who doesnt believe in after life and god?

Me, because I am an atheist.

How do you say 'God bless you' in Farsi?

In Farsi, "God bless you" is said as "خداوند شما را برکت دهد" (Khodavand shoma ra barakat dahad).

Who doesnt believe in god who is famous?

osama bin laden

Man who does not believe in god?

Someone who doesn't believe in God is an atheistSomeone who is not sure whether there is a God or not is an agnostic.Someone who does believe in God is a theist

Why is your God the right God?

Because you believe he is the right God for you. It's what you believe that matters, not what someone else presume you believe or not believe in.

How do you call someone who believe in god but not god from bible?

If someone decides not to believe that there is not a God, then that is their choice - why the need to call them anything - live and let live.

What is the name for someone who believes that everyone is a god?

Monists believe that everything is God or part of God. Pantheists believe that God is everywhere.

What name is used to describe someone who does not believe in God?

A person who does not believe in god is called a "Athiest"

What arguments has there been about who made god?

there is none, the argument is that god is to great for us to understand what created god. Or you can just believe god doesnt exist.