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Q: What do you say when someone is short?
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What is short hair?

To say that someone "has you by the short hair", means that they have grabbed a bunch of pubic hair or possibly your testes.

Why do people say noob?

It's short for "newbie"--someone who is new to a group, setting or task.

Is it mean to call someone short if they called you ugly?

Yes but it can be a good come back and it dependeds on who you say it to.

What does the slang 'stupid mother' mean?

This is an insult. It is short for "stupid mother-f***er" and if you say it to someone, be ready for a fight.

Why do people say hello when they meet someone?

It's etiquette and a form of salutation. On should say, 'Hello' to someone in business, but, if a friend you can use the short form of 'Hi' or any form of salutation (Example: slang) 'Yo there babe!'

How do you say the short one in Italian?

una breve need to know context if describing someone short stature: quello basso if describing a route : la strada piu' corta

What are treds in information technology development?

treds are short for shoes in slang like someone would say do you like my new treds:)

How do you say someone is coming in hawaiian?

Hele mai iā ha'i (heh-leh my yah hah-(short pause)-ee)

Why do people say life is short?

People say life is short because time seems to pass quickly, making people realize how important it is to make the most of the time they have. This saying serves as a reminder to prioritize what truly matters and to live each day to the fullest.

What is the short way to say euro?

there is no short way to say euro

What will say when someone say congratulations to me?

When someone says congratulations to you, or when someone congratulates you, say, "Thank you".

Why does it say Columbus Short has a wife but you say he is not married?

Columbus short married ?