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Q: What do you see in the mirror at midnight on Halloween according to superstition?
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Stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween?

Staring into a mirror on Halloween at midnight has many urban legends tied to it. There are stories that say bloody Mary, black Aggie or candy man will kill you if you do so.

According to superstition what will you see if you look in the mirror at midnight on Halloween?

This is for women only to show their husband. If you stare into it on Halloween night you husband will appear in it. If you are going to die before you marriage, then a skull will appear in the mirror.

What will you see in a mirror on Halloween?

bloody slung

What is supersttious belief?

Superstitious beliefs are beliefs in supernatural causality It is an irrational belief usually founded on ignorance or fear. An example of a superstition belief is do not cross a black cat on Halloween. Also do not break a mirror or you will have 7 years of bad luck.

What will you see if you stare in the mirror at midnight?


Is it bad luck when you throw salt over your shoulder?

Of course not. It's all superstition. In fact, according to the superstition, throwing salt over your shoulder counteracts other things that bring bad luck supposedly, like breaking a mirror or spilling salt.

If you stare into a mirror at midnight on H alloween what will you see?

There are various superstitions regarding this. Some say you will see a killer about to attack you. Others say you will see a ghost / ghoul / witch / zombie / ect. A popular tale (that involves a few mroe steps) will involve you seeing a dead girl, "Bloody Mary", who died looking into a mirror on Halloween night and comes back every Halloween night to see if her killer is looking back at her in the mirror.

Why is it bad luck if you smash a mirror?

This superstition dates back to the early Romans who believed a mirror had the power to confiscate part of your soul. Any distortion of your reflection, like breaking a mirror was believed to cause a corruption of your soul.

What is symbolic meaning of the mirror?

A mirror was once thought to contain one's soul when they look in it. That's where the superstition of 13 years of bad luck (when breaking a mirror) came around. But we know now that what we see in a mirror is just our reflection (from light bouncing off the glass).

Why is breaking glass good luck?

Breaking glass is not good luck- it is bad luck. If you have bad luck coming your way, breaking glass will, according to superstition, eliminate it. Breaking glass, without any (bad luck) precursor, will supposedly manifest itself in only bad luck. Speaking in more detail, according to superstition, when one has bad luck coming his or her way, breaking a mirror works as a shield to bad luck. A mirror is a reflective device. When one breaks a mirror, it will reflect the bad luck of a broken mirror. But, when already in the presence of bad luck, it reflects the bad luck in the bad-luck dimension. Bad luck in the bad luck dimension is good luck, which we all obstinately have.

Is the word superstition a plural or singular noun?

Singular. The plural would be "superstitions".Example:A superstition says that breaking a mirror brings a person seven years of bad luck.She doesn't believe in silly superstitions.

What is the superstition of a picture falling off the wall for no reason?

Not sure of the reason for the superstition, but have experienced this happening. On the night of the death of a family member a large mirror fell off the wall and smashed. The mirror had been up for 6 years with no movement and the nail and bracket were firmly fixed. The bracket had not broken on the back of the mirror when checked. The mirror had fallen straight down although this was not physically possible without the bracket breaking, which it hadn't - next morning we learnt of the death.