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There are many smells and changes that are associated with autumn in the United States. Some smells that are associated with autumn are pumpkin pies, the smells of turkey cooking in the oven, fireplaces, and the cool crisp air that accompanies the autumn weather.

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Q: What do you smell in autumn?
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What do you think autumn smells like?

well the things i associate with autumn probably are the best way i can describe what autumn smells like... the smell of a wood fireplace on a crisp, fall evening, or the smell of old leaves on the ground, or maple trees, pumpkins and such. that's the best way i could describe what autumn smells like.

What causes that characteristic smell of Limburger cheese in northern deciduous forests in autumn?

The best description of the smell of Limburger cheese that I know of is that it smells like an outhouse, so possibly the answer is moist animal poo. Rotting leaves also smell pretty bad (though not, to my nose, as bad as Limburger), so that's another possibility.

How many seasons are in Luxembourg?

Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Who is the speaker in Stevens' Autumn Refrain?

The speaker in Autumn Refrain is Autumn

How do you spell autumn?

That is the correct spelling for "autumn" (the fall season).

What is autumn hue?

Autumn hues are the pleasant colours of autumn - the browns and oranges

What is the opposite of autumn?

The 'opposite' of Autumn is Spring. The opposite of Autumn (Fall) is Spring.

Is October in the summer or the autumn?


What is the duration of Cheyenne Autumn?

The duration of Cheyenne Autumn is 2.57 hours.

Which sentence from the essay a word for autumn best tells the main idea?

Here are some really neat sentences that has the word 'autumn' in it: 1) As the dead leaves crunched under my shoes and the wind whipped my cheeks, I realized autumn has arrived. 2) Red, orange, and brown leaves fall in the season of autumn. 3) Although it was still autumn, I could smell the waft of hot cocoa, the evergreen trees and pine trees, and the gingerbread baking in the ovens of my neighbors. I could make up a lot more sentences that has the word autumn in it, but, I don't seem to have the brain for it today. But I have to admit, those are some pretty rockin' sentences I made up right there. <3

What did ancient Romans call Autumn?

The word autumn comes from the ancient Etruscan root autu- and has within it all sorts of connotations of the passing of the year. The Etruscans lived in ancient Italy. The root autu- was borrowed by the neighboring Romans, and became the Latin word autumnus.

How tall is Autumn Bliss?

Autumn Bliss is 157 cm.