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Basically, look for variations on "Thanks, but no thanks" -- "Thank you for the compliment," and then change the subject. Or try something like, "I don't know. Not right now. sorry." and then they will forget about it. If they keep pressuring you, be direct and honest. "I'm sorry, but I feel like you're pressuring me and I don't like that."

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14y ago

OK this happened to me. I feel your pain! You're going to have to give the dreaded friend talk. Even if you don't like him as a friend just tell him that to make him feel better. If he is really persistent just tell him NO. The next day when you see him ast like it was no big deal. Treat him like you've always treated him.

Hope it helped!

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Q: What do you tell someone who told you they like you but you don't like them?
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just ask her if she likes you, say that someone told you that she did and you want to know if she does or not. if you dont want to say that then tell her you like her. hope i helped :)

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Tell him you like him, then he might tell you he likes you. Or tell a friend of yours to tell him that you like him but don't tell him that you told your friend to do that; make it look like she/he wasn't supposed to tell him.

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Tell her the truth!! Say you were wrong to say that and tell her why. Theres nothing more a girl loves then to be told someone likes her, especially based on what your question said about you talking beforehand.

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Tell your friends that it isn't their business. Then go hang out with her! XD

What if you told someone you like them but you don't?

Then tell them them the truth and make an excuse of why you lied

If someone like you what do you do?

Well the only right thing to do and i know everyone would tell u this just tell the person if u dont and wait to long u will loose he or she. Like me ilike this boy and i didnt know if he like me back and i sked my friends they told me to tell him i took to long and know i dont talk to him anymore so try it!!!

What do you tell someone that just told you they like you?

If you like them too ask them out if you don't just tell them you don't feel the same way.

If you are in middle school and you are scared to tell someone you like him what to do?

when i was in middle school you just told your friend and your friend would tell him or her.

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someone who is being told what to do but they dont want to and threterning them if they dont do as they are told by them.

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it depends on who this person is. if its one of your friends, you might want to say something to them like "listen, i wanted you to keep it a secret. I dont really like that you told my crush that i like him..." dont get mad but if your friend does something like that again, consider what you tell your friend knowing that they might spill your secret. if its one of your crush's friends then your crush will probably believe a friend. If you didn't tell your crush's friend, find out who did.

Im addicted to self harm and cant tell anyone about it and i dont want to tell a parent so what should i do?

Addicted? You may not WANT to tell,but you need to. I had a friend like you and she committed suicide by accident. I was you, I told. Talk to someone you trust, the good thing is you want help.