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Maybe, "I did everything I could, and we both know you weren't ats fault. I'm sorry for failing you."

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In Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," it's not explicitly stated what Atticus whispers to Tom Robinson before he leaves the courtroom. However, it is likely that Atticus offers words of support and encouragement to Tom during a difficult moment.

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Q: What do you think Atticus whispers to Tom Robinson just before he leavs the courtroom?
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On what single issue did atticus build his case?

Atticus built his case around the issue of racial injustice and inequality, particularly in the context of Tom Robinson's trial. He focused on proving Tom's innocence by highlighting the lack of credible evidence against him and challenging the jurors to look past their own prejudices. Ultimately, Atticus believed in the fundamental principle of equality before the law.

Why did mayella say she was afraid of Atticus?

Mayella Ewell may have said she was afraid of Atticus because she felt intimidated by his intelligence and calm demeanor during the trial. Atticus's questioning challenged her version of events and exposed the truth, which made her feel vulnerable and ultimately led to her feelings of fear or discomfort towards him.

What does jem fear?

I dont know why hes afriad go read the bookHe says he was afraid that Atticus was gonna get hurt. He was scared the men that came to the house discussing Tom Robinson's placement before trial were a gang and that Atticus was in danger.