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A child should be potty trained at the age of 2 so therefore if your child is still wetting themselves at age 12 then maybe you should potty train again

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Q: What do you think about diapers for kids age 12?
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Is it okay to wear diapers at age 12?

==New Answer Headline== I think it should be alright if they want to wear them. It is their body and they can do what they want. the doctor has a new treatment for that, a nose spray, have them check your sinus cavety for an enlarged adnoid, lack of good breathing at night makes you wet the bed when you reach the rem state. you are in such a deep sleep then you don't wake up when your blatter needs to releave itself yes it is because he maybe need to wear them to atleast age 13 i wore diapers till age 14 till i reallized it was a silly thing to do i think that its ok to wear diapers at age 12 because some kids can't control there bladder and they need to wear the diapers all the time depending on the situation Absolutely. If one needs to, then, yes MORE INFO--- Is the 12 year old hanicapped in any way? Is there a medical reason that precludes toilet use? If there is no medical or physical reason for not using the toilet, then I think wearing diapers at age 12 is not approriate. The child has either been not taught proper social advancement, has a diaper fetish, or..or.. I don't know. I've never heard of such a thing. Is this a joke? More info please!

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I think around 12-14 is a good age to start but that depends on the child's mental and emotional maturity.

How can you get diapers at age 12?

There are diapers in different sizes at the ordinary store. Both for babies, toddlers and adults. If you have a medical problem speak to your parents so they can take you to the doctor. They can also tip you on diapers if the others do not fit.

Why would someone put their older child in diapers at Disney World?

All kids 12 and under are best off in diapers or pullups. Kids always have to pee at the worst times. A pullup can be easily pulled down to use the bathroom. It is just there for protection.

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Can 12 year olds wear diapers?

Yes, 12 year olds can wear diapers.

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Does kids around age of 12 have blackberry bold?

I do

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Yes, indeed they do.

How do kids know they are in love at the age of 12?

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