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Discrimination based on things that don't matter just doesn't make any sense. It's like saying blondes cannot adopt children. There would be no reason for such a rule.

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Q: What do you think about people discriminating gay adoption?
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What are the rules for gay adoption in the US?

Adoption law varies by state, but in the US, all 50 states allow gay people to adopt, though as of 2017, gay people are still routinely denied adoption based on discrimination.

Are there different rights on gay adoption then a normal adoption?

Gay adoption is normal adoption. It's just as normal as any other kind of adoption. Also, in the United States, we don't have different rights for gay people adopting vs straight people adopting.

How many more children would have homes if gay families were allowed to adopt?

Gay people are allowed to adopt in every U.S. state except Utah. There is no longer a restriction on single gay people adoption. Furthermore, as of 2014, 25 states allow joint adoption by gay couples.

What are the legal aspects of gay adoption?

Gay adoption is legal in all 50 states, but laws vary greatly regarding joint adoption and step-parent adoption.

What causes gay adoption to be a problem?

There are no problems specific to gay adoption that aren't also present in adoptions by straight people, other than state-sanctioned discrimination against the gay couple (or person) trying to adopt. In other words, gay people become the same good adoptive parents as straight people do.

What is the law of raising children and being gay?

Adoption laws vary by state, but as of 2014, All states except Utah allow single gay people to adopt, and about 25 states allow full joint adoption for gay couples.

How do you avoid gay discrimination in community?

As much as this may sound like a cliche, the most important step to avoiding gay discrimination in a community is awareness.Often, people who are not aware of the prevalence of homosexuality think it is a highly foreign idea. By raising awareness about the number of gay people in your community (this should be approximately 10%, statistically), your community will realize it is something that is a part of your community. They may then be more inclined to think twice before discriminating another person.

What are people's opinions on same-sex adoption?

Go for it. It is not the government's job to tell people who they can love. P.s. im not gay

What is Marco Rubio's stand on Florida's anti-gay adoption law?

As of December 2013, Marco Rubio opposes gay adoption.

Has the miz always been gay?

He's not gay. I think people who think he's gay are gay. No offence.

Why can't most gay people adopt?

In the U.S. and Canada, most single gay people can adopt. Many areas allow for joint adoption by gay couples as well. Gay people are only banned from adopting in some countries, and this is due to ignorance and prejudice.

How does President Barack Obama feel about gay adoption?

While former President Obama "evolved" about marriage equality and became a supporter, (he had previously only supported civil unions), he always believed in giving gay men and lesbians equal opportunity in adoption, foster parenting, etc.