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Grendel attacks humans because he feels isolated and alienated from society. He is consumed by envy and resentment towards their happiness and community, leading him to seek revenge by terrorizing them. This internal turmoil and inability to connect with others drive him to commit violent acts.

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Q: What do you think causes Grendel to attack the humans beings?
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In Gardner and Grendel how does Grendel classify humans?

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In "Grendel," black humor can be seen in Grendel's sarcastic and nihilistic reactions to the absurdity of life, like when he mocks the ways in which humans try to find purpose and meaning. Additionally, his interactions with the dragon, who offers darkly humorous philosophies that highlight the futility of existence, also showcase black humor in the novel.

Why Grendal attack human beings?

Grendal is jealous of humans because of thier happiness and wants to destroy of sources of joy in thier lives

Why does grendel resent about hrothgar and his men?

Grendel resents Hrothgar and his men because they are joyous and successful in their mead hall, while he is an outcast living in isolation and darkness. Grendel sees the humans as arrogant and unworthy of their happiness, leading him to attack them out of jealousy and frustration.

Are humans social beings?

Most of us are social beings.

What are the impacts of human beings on environment?

The impacts of humans on the environment is mostly negative. Global Warming, Pollutions,etc are some of the main causes.

In Gardner's how does Grendel's classify humans?

Barbaric and crazy ~ Apex