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Q: What do you think is the biggest contribution so far of your body to your existence?
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How did Rene Descartes proved the existence of the body?

Rene Descartes believed that the body exists through the interaction of the mind and the body. He argued that even though the body itself may not be as real as the mind, its existence is necessary for sensory experiences to occur. This interaction between the mind and body, known as Cartesian dualism, serves as evidence for the existence of the body.

Can you think of some ways that you could still survive the death of your body even if the identity theory is true?

There is no way an individual can survive the death of their body. Some religions believe there is some form of 'life' after death, others disagree. There is no evidence to show existence extends beyond death.

Was René Descartes a dualist?

Yes, René Descartes was a dualist. He believed in the existence of two distinct substances, the mind (or soul) and the body, which interacted to form human experience. This idea is famously captured in his statement "Cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am").

What did Rene Descartes spend time thinking about?

Rene Descartes spent much of his time thinking about the nature of existence, the relationship between the mind and body, and the idea of doubt and skepticism. He is known for his famous statement, "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), which encapsulates his exploration of the self and consciousness.

What is Metaphysis in philosophy?

Metaphysics in philosophy is the branch that studies the nature of existence, reality, and being. It explores fundamental questions about the universe, such as the nature of reality, the existence of God, the mind-body relationship, and the concept of time. Metaphysics seeks to understand the underlying principles that govern the universe and our place within it.

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It's the biggest artery in the body. so no.

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to your cells may be... although i think the 'you' is like the biggest concept of god they could get to.. and they wouldn't be wrong.

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The biggest cell would be the skin, because it is part of the body just not inside and it does not say the biggest cell inside the body so it would be the skin

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