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Everyone thinks Dolphus is an alcohol abuser, but he really just makes everyone believe that as an excuse for the way he lives. He enjoys the company of Negroes, has mixed children and kind of lives on the side of things. This part in the book shows how the people of Maycomb are so racist that people like Dolphus have to lie to have a bit of peace. Instead of criticizing him for his un-hatred of Negroes, they criticize him for his drinking.

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Mr. Dolphus Raymond seems to sympathize with Tom Robinson and recognizes the injustice in the way he is treated by the community due to his race. He understands the racial prejudices that exist and chooses to live amongst Black individuals to show his support for equality.

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Q: What do you think mr dolphus Raymond thinks of tom Robinson in to kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee?
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Dolphus Raymond is a fictional character in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. He is not a real person, so his age is not specified.

What chapter does dolphus Raymond drink in?

Dolphus Raymond is a character in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, and he is known for drinking from a paper bag that seems to contain alcohol. He is introduced in Chapter 16 of the book. The revelation about his real drink (Coca-Cola) is made in Chapter 20 during the trial of Tom Robinson.

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Dolphus Raymond is a character in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." He is a wealthy white man in Maycomb who pretends to be a drunk in order to avoid social stigma and live on the fringes of society. He is sympathetic towards African Americans and has mixed-race children.

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In Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," Dill finds out that Dolphus Raymond's bottle actually contains Coca-Cola, not whiskey as people assume. Dolphus pretends to be a drunk to give people a reason for his unconventional behavior, when in reality he just prefers the company of African Americans over white people.

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Calpurnia and Dolphus Raymond are both characters in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. They are both individuals who challenge societal norms and expectations in Maycomb because of their unique perspectives and actions. Calpurnia, as the Finch family's cook and housekeeper, bridges the gap between the white and black communities, while Dolphus Raymond, a wealthy white man, chooses to live with black people and pretends to be a drunk to avoid judgment from society.

What was in Mr. Dolphus Raymond sack?

Coca- Cola! He tricked people so they could believe he was a drunk and that that would be an excuse for his behavior of marrying a black woman

What did the kids learn about Dolphus Raymond in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The kids in "To Kill a Mockingbird" learn that Dolphus Raymond pretends to be a drunk because it allows him to navigate the racial tensions in Maycomb more easily. He is actually a caring and compassionate man who offers the children valuable insights into the town and its people. His actions challenge the children's assumptions about people and their capacity for empathy.

What Chapter was Tom Robinson guilty?

Tom Robinson was found guilty in Chapter 21 of Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird".

Where is tom Robinson buried in to kill a mockingbird?

Tom Robinson is buried in the Robinson family cemetery, located near his old home in Maycomb County, as mentioned in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

What did tom rombinson get his arm cut off in?

Tom Robinson did not have his arm cut off. He was wrongly accused of assaulting a white woman in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, but the injury to his arm was a result of a cotton gin accident years before the events of the novel.

Is tom Robinson round or flat?

Tom Robinson is a round character in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. He is a complex character who undergoes significant development throughout the novel.

Did Tom Robinson write a poem called Shoes?

No, Tom Robinson is a fictional character from Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" and did not write a poem called "Shoes."