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Q: What do you think the Celtic gods tell us about the Celts?
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Tell us that Ryan Kelly of Celtic Thunder is NOT gay?

He is not. Why do you think so?

What would gold objects tell us about the Celts?

Gold objects found among the Celts suggest a high level of craftsmanship and a fondness for intricate designs. These objects reflect the Celts' social status, wealth, and artistic skills, as well as their connections to trade and other cultures. Gold objects also reveal the importance of jewelry and ornamentation in Celtic society.

Why did the Romans invade the Celts?

Please clarify your question. If by Celits, you mean Celts, you should be aware that "Celts" is a name of a group of people that populated almost all of Europe and the British Isles. There were many tribes and ethnic groups. Please tell us which one you mean.

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About 2,000 years ago in what we now know as Ireland and Scotland, lived a group of people called the Celts. The Celts' lives revolved around growing their food, and considered the end of the year to be the end of the harvest season. So, they celebrated new year's eve each year on October 31st with a festival called "Samhain," named after their Lord of the Dead (also known as the Lord of Darkness). Samhain (pronounced 'sow-in') was presided over by Celtic priests called Druids.Back then, winter was the time of year associated with human death. The Celts believed that on the night that marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead blurred allowing ghosts of the dead to return to earth. Celts thought that the presence of the ghosts made it easier for the Druids, their priests, to predict the future. These predictions were an important source of comfort and direction for the Celts during their long, dark, frightening winters.To celebrate Samhain, the Druids built huge sacred bonfires around which the Celts gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to their ancient gods. During the celebration, the Celts dressed up in costumes consisting of animal heads and skins and tried to tell each other's fortunes.

Could you tell me which brothers played for Glasgow Celtic fc?

paul and willie mcstay

Can you tell me what do the Egyptians go to pray?

the temple of the gods

Did the Chinook Indians create totem poles to honor their gods?

Totem poles do not honor gods. They tell stories.

Why was the first sundial invented?

It was invented by priests to honor their gods

What does Gilgamesh tell us about Sumerian life?

They believed in gods

What are the gods in the museum of the gods on poptropica?

go into the museum and click the statue, or stand in front, i dont remember, but it'll tell you who they are.

Are there vampire gods?

I don't think so but some other people might think that but know one is stoping them in what they belive in. If you stop people in what they belive in that's just wrong or you tell them it's not real that's just wrong

How can you tell that the egyptians believied in a life after death?

You can tell by looking at Heiroglyphics and Tomb Paintings that depict the gods at the deciding day.