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Q: What do you think the qualities of a leader should be?
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What would happen if a leader did not have qualities?

If a leader did not have the qualities needed to be a leader then they should have never been assigned the role of the leader. Some people are not assigned leader but just looked at as the leader and when someone is looked up to people typically follow what that person does; so if they do not have the right qualities then most likely the team will not be all that great.

What are some desirable qualities that applicants for a team leader position should possess?

There are several qualities that a team leader should possess. A team leader should have integrity to gain the trust of fellow workers, inspire others to action, empower others to make decisions and is a good communicator.

What are the qualities of a stat representative?

A state representative should be a critical thinker. They should be a leader, who is effective at communicating with the public.

Why should the leader be male?

It's not so. It can be a woman also. It just depends on the good leadership qualities in them

What leader qualities helped the conquistador and early explorers succed in their efforted?

There are a few leader qualities that help the conquistador. The main qualities that showed effort was European.

What are the leadership qualities in public health?

qualities of a public health leader

Who do you think should be the leader in a family?


What qualities does Assisi think that Christians should exhibit?

Assisi is a town in Italy, as such I don't think that towns think.

What should you write to become a student leader?

you should write. HI, i think i should become the student leader because i am THE best.

What qualities should a leader have?

A leader needs to be able to boss people around.A good leader needs to be a good listner so they can listen to other peoples opinions.They also need to be honest, to tell those people what they think about that certain opinion. Don't take over, let people have their say. And you need to be able to get everyone under control and sort out arguments. They have to be respectful and resposible and be a good role-model for younger children.

What qualities do good paleontologists need to have?

A good paleontologist should have the qualities of being a leader to young scientist and also be able to work in groups to find things.Also they should also not have allergies to dust and a lot of other nature things