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Q: What do you think was the most interesting or valuable contribution of the scholars and scientist of the Muslim world during the time covered by this section?
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It is a valuable contribution because they used it to help them be a great cilvizatin

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Arguably, Mahatma Gandhi's most valuable contribution to society was not the independence of India, since that would have come sooner or later anyway. His most valuable contributions were the demonstration of people power and that passive resistance works.

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yes because scientist need it alot

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well it means that scientist actually have a chance to uncover what other scientist havent done and found the skeptinisim in the history of science

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A library is considered a valuable contribution to civilization because it brought ideas to people that would probably not have been accessible otherwise. One of the most popular ancient libraries was the Royal Library of Alexandria in Egypt.

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early life or gas bubbles because they hold clues about the earth's ecology millionsof years ago and enable scientist to compare early life forms .