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Q: What do you think would have happened to Sumer if it had suffered ten years of drought?
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How big is sumer?

sumer is i think 1000000 miles long

How do you think the effects of drought can be avoided in the future?

i think by buying drought

Why do you think the Harappan people traded with Sumer instead of China?

because they were afriad that the Chinese would fight them

Is sumer a monarchy?

no it is not a monarchy is a leader in the govern ment i think

Why is sumer so important?

I think sumer is important because it brought us alot of history and well kings and religion to us your answer is correct but, also think of the new writing they have created cuniform

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I think Kenya is more prone to drought than Italy. The Kenya's weather is such that you can get a drought in Kenya.

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people in Sumer thought that their gods were just like their people, they thought that they looked dressed and acted like them

WhAT major trade center was located in sumer?

I think its Taj Mahal

An ancient land in mesopotamia?

I think there are four. Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, and Chaldea.

Why do the Mesopotamians think that the afterlife was gloomy and negative?

Yes. Anything else about Sumer?

How many people died in the drought in Australia 2006?

I don't think anyone did because Australia has such good drought precautions

How do you think the location of rivers in the Fertile Cresent influenced the founding and growth of Sumer?

It influenced the founding and growth of Sumer because with rivers they were able to trade more often.