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Anything in an interview or on an application about dislike, hate, can't stand, anything negative, is a trick question.

I find it strange an interviewer would ask what you think you might like least about a job that you don't have yet. That's like asking what is the hardest part of raising kids when you don't have any.

When I get asked this about PAST jobs, I answer with something that isn't terribly negative. I say something like "I feel my skills were worth more than the position paid" or "it was difficult to move into a higher, more challenging position within the company because they preferred to hire outside"... all of those things could even be a lie, but they aren't going to call your last employer and ask. None of those are terribly negative.

If I were asked the question you did, I would say "If I am chosen to fill this position, I'm not going into it looking for a negative experience or to find things I don't like. I believe I can adapt and overcome any potential issues."

Above all, even if you hate things on the job, don't complain about it. After all, there are usually other people who would be happy to have the job. If you are unhappy, look for a new job on your time off.

Never go on rants during an interview or say how much you don't like something. A person who does that comes off as a complainer and will probably not get hired. I've seen people get fired for complaining too much, but the employer doesn't say that, they just say it was performance related.

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I don't think so because i thi9nk you have to be at least 15 to get a job.