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In a range name instead of using a space or hyphen, use a?

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Q: What do you use in a range name instead of using a hyphen or a space?
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Related questions

What is an example of using a hyphen correctly?

Here is an example of using a hyphen correctly: Justin was purpose-driven by his motivation to finish well.

Do you use a hyphen when writing square feet?

You do not use a hyphen when writing square feet. Using a hyphen would make it one word which should not be the case.

Do you use a hyphen when writing square-foot?

Yes, whenver using square-foot you should use a hyphen

What is a hyphen mostly used for?

A hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word. Spaces should not be placed between a hyphen and either of the words it connects except when using a suspended or "hanging" hyphen.

Why was the revolver gun invented?

To kill people at close range instead of using a rifle:P

Example of using a hyphen?

I'm a pre-med student at school.

What is the benefit of using a wifi range extender?

The benefit of using a WiFi range extender is that it extends your WiFi, of course. Instead of just getting the average range with your WiFi, the range extender gives your WiFi a boost and let's you enjoy your WiFi at a longer distance.

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When do I use an en dash instead of a hyphen?

An en dash is often used to indicate a closed range of values, such as two dates. e.g. The monsoon season is about three months long, April _ June each year. A hyphen is shorter and is used within a hyphenated word or expression such as back-to-back. When using a word-processing program on a computer, generally the computer program itself will automatically insert the correct symbol, according to the context of its use. The above answer was written using such a program.* For more information about other uses of en dashes and hyphens, see Related Links below this box.

How can space crafts fly outside of the earth's atmosphere?

They do not fly through space, they simply float through space. They are able to maneuver using rocket engines which instead of providing lift, simply push them.

Should half day be hyphenated?

The use of a hyphen is often in question when referring to two words. If one is using "half day" to modify another noun, then proceed with using the hyphen. For example, a "half-day holiday", and "I took half a day off".

What benefits to using scientific notation over decimal notation?

It saves space ! Writing the number one thousand million takes less space if you write it as 109 instead of 1,000,000,000