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If your going by brand I like to use Clorox

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Q: What do you use to bleach something white?
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How do you get pernament marker off of a something?

You can use bleach if it's a white shirt or you can get stain remover.

Can I use bleach to wash my sheets?

Yes, you can bleach your sheets. However, if they are not white you should use color safe bleach.

How do you clean your sneakers?

if its White use bleach

How can you get white laundry white?

if it is a colored cant. but if its white use bleach!

What does the acronym BLEACH mean?

it means something that makes white or something that makes clean/cleaner

How do you clean a white hat?

If you use bleach it should turn out as white as snow!

How do you get the color out of white towels when something colored was washed with them?

try to bleach them, bleach fades colors. from:monica417 tlk 2 mi

Does white bread have bleach in it?

no white bread does not have bleach in it

Make white clothes look bright and whiter again?

Use bleach in the wash water, Clorox is bleach.

Why do white tennis shoe turn yellowish after you wash them?

Because you either did not use bleach or an inferior quality bleach.

Is it ok to bleach blue clothes?

You can use a color safe bleach alternative, but traditional chlorine bleach will fade or leave white spots on your clothes.

How does Barack Obama get his white shirts so white?

Probably has them laundered where they use bleach and soap.