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bick#4 shines and preserves the finish of the boot

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Q: What do you use to polish sea turtle boots?
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What is a sentence with the word polish?

I want to polish the medallion that the Polish government gave to my uncle. My boots could use a quick polish.

Can you use olive oil to polish boots?

You can, but your boots will get rancid. Any vegetable oil will break down and go rancid.

How do sea turtles use there shell?

sea turtle use there shell to fend off predators

How does a sea turtle use its nose for?

to detect smell

Is the green turtle a sea turtle?

yes it is called the green sea turtle There is a species known as the green sea turtle, latin name Chelonia mydas. They are the slowest growing of the sea turtle species due to a diet low in protein. They are characterized by the starburst pattern on the shell and two scales between the eyes. Sadly they are poached for their greenish skin :(

Do people use turtle skin for leather?

Yes is can be made from sea turtle skin, however sea turtles are now heavily protected in many areas.

How do you get paint off a sea shell?

You can use rubbing alchohal and nail polish remover. Just boil them afterwards. :)

Will leather luster shoe polish crack?

No. Leather luster is actually really good stuff. Don't use it on combat boots, but on ceremonial and dress shoes/drill boots it should be fine.

What kind of material does Dankso Boots use on their products?

Dankso boots uses a variety of material on their products. As some of the boots and shoes available are either leather or suede, there is a spray that can be applied to the footwear that makes a water seal, and waterproofs the boots. Also, black leather boots may be polished with leather polish.

When to use floor wax?

Floor wax is to be used on any flooring that you want to keep shiny. This can be commercial or for use in your own home. You can also use the wax to polish horse saddles and boots if the need arises.

How do you shine black leather boots to a high gloss shine?

Start by cleaning it with ammonia based cleaner (if the leather allows it) then dry off and buff with a polish brush. Next use Shoe Shine (not polish) to make it very glossy.

How do you get nail polish out of suede shoes?

I just bought a pair of suede boots, and even though i havent spilled nail polish on them, here's what i would do: Use some nail polish remover and a piece of tissue, and kind of blot the spot. Then rub gently and it should come out.