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that you say polite words to them and say like thanks a lot or no thank you or even if they need help with something.

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Q: What do you use to show respect while speaking to an older person?
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setting aside your own opiniouns while the other person is speaking. Apex (:

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Yes because a child has it's whole life ahead of them while an older person only has a short time left on this earth.

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If you are referring to social interaction, then it would be first, second or third person perspective. First person is what you see and say based on who you are looking at and addressing. Second person is speaking about or addressing someone else. Third person is speaking of yourself as another person seemingly not present while addressing another.

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The US Army and Marine Corps requires respect of all Non-Commissioned Officers' rank. While the soldier must respect the rank, the NCO determines whether or not the person is respected.

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There isn't, but celebrity usually refers to Hollywood stars while you could be a famous person in buisness or other things. Strictly speaking, there isn't a difference.

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When they say "I love you" then they love you, if they say "I respect you" while they show respect to you, they just aren't into you.

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Make some tension in your gut muscles while speaking. Use fuller breaths and use more air while speaking without sounding "wispy". Visualize the people at the back of the room as you speak. Even if there are none. Join a Toastmasters club if you are 18 or older for more tips and confidence. Work hard and good luck.

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another as an answer and example, to whomever said it is used when the person is wrong, I say, with all due respect, in most cases I may agree but at times it is just a way to respect another's views while injecting your own views or opinion when they may differ.