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Q: What do you want to know or explain Use observations you have made to write a question that addresses the problem or topic you want to investigate?
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List and explain scientific processes?

Define a Question to Investigate. As scientists conduct their research, they make observations and collect data. Make Predictions. Based on their research and observations, scientists will often come up with a hypothesis. Gather Data. Analyze the Data. Draw Conclusions. HOPE THIS HELPS :)

Was there any observations of the planet mercury which could not be explained by newtons theory of gravity?

yes there were observations of the planet mercury but were hard to explain by Issac newtons theory of gravity as scienctists didn't have enough information to investigate more on the subject.

What are the raw materials of science?

The raw materials of science include observations, data, experiments, hypotheses, and theories. These elements are used to investigate, understand, and explain natural phenomena and processes in the world around us.

How is a theory and a observation related?

A theory is an explanation or interpretation of observations that helps to make sense of them. Observations are the data or evidence that theories are based on. Theories are used to explain, predict, and understand observations in a systematic way.

Does a scientific law fully explain a set of observations?


Why do scientist look for pattern in the world?

(Apex) Patterns can help explain observations 😊

Why have scientist change their ideas on the model of the Atom?

There has been more and more observations about the atom that has changed it since then. They revised it to explain the observations.

What describes many observations but does not explain them?

A pattern describes many observations but does not explain them. Patterns may be observed in data or phenomena, but the underlying cause or mechanism behind the pattern is not fully understood.

How do scientist investigate natural phenomena?

Scientists investigate natural phenomena by making observations, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results. They use the scientific method to systematically test their ideas and gather evidence to support their conclusions. Through this process, scientists can better understand, explain, and predict the natural world around us.

Which scientist made observations about water that also helped explain airflow?


An attempt to explain observations of the natural world is?

A pseudoscientific theory

Why is a hypothesis important in research?

To form an experimentally testable idea to explain observations.