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external gills

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Q: What do young frogs use to breathe?
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How do frogs breathe out air from lungs?

Actually frogs dont breathe from their lungs. They have lungs but they don't use them because their skin is so thin that they can breathe from it.

When do frogs use their mouths to breathe?

I would think they breathe with there mouth underwater.

What do frogs use to breathe?

Frogs have lungs just like you do. Tadpoles, however, have internal gills until they turn into frogs. Frogs breathe by pulsing their throat to suck air into and out of their lungs.

What other part of the body do frogs use to breathe?

The genitals

What are two ways that amphibians breathe?

Young frogs, or tadpoles, breathe underwater using gills. Then they grow lungs and lose their gills. As adults, they breathe air using their lungs.

Which animals use moistskin and lung to breathe?

Frogs and other amphibians.

Do amphibians breathe through their moist skins when they are in water?

Frogs use their moist skin to breathe when they are in water😊

Why are frogs not classified as mammals as they breathe through their lungs?

They don't give birth to live young, they don't suckle their young, they are cold blooded

What is unusual about how frogs breathe?

Frogs do not have a diaphragm so they use their throats to pump air into their lungs. This is most noticable when they are croaking.

How does frogs breathe on land and on water?

on land , frogs breathe with the help of lungs , and in water , with the help of gills.

Do frogs take care of their young how?

Frogs don't take a maternal or paternal role in raising their young. Some use the tadpoles as lunch.

What organs help young amphibians use to breathe?

no because adult amphibians is breathe from lungs and young amphibian breathe through gills by:magno,jhon christopher