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The Virginia constitution

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The Virginia constitution

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Q: What document change the way many Americans viewed slavery?
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What document changed the way Americans viewed slavery?

the Declaration of Independence.

Americans viewed English policies after 1763 as a systematic attack on their?

Americans viewed English policies after 1763 as a systematic attack on their constitutional liberties.

What rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence most affected how people viewed slavery after the Revolutionary War?

For anti-slavery abolitionists, the Declaration of Independence was the source of their belief that because all men are created equal, by God, that slavery was an immoral institution. This document rather than the US Constitution was what their ideas relied upon.

What percent of Americans like the Constitution?

This is a difficult question to answer because survey results will differ, depending on when the survey is taken and what is going on in the culture at that time (during a war for example, patriotic feelings will influence survey results). But whether surveys are taken in war-time or peace-time, a large majority of Americans from both political parties consistently say they admire and respect the Constitution; it is seen as an important symbol of what America stands for. However, despite the fact that the Constitution is a founding document in American history, not everyone knows what it contains, since most people do not study it in depth. It would be safe to say that Americans do know it guarantees them certain basic rights and freedoms. But while large majorities are proud of the Constitution, there have sometimes been calls for changes or additions to it; this has resulted in amendments being added (such as the one that gave women the right to vote). Yet even during times of social unrest, or times when certain groups want the Constitution amended, the document itself is still viewed favorably by the majority of Americans.

Why are informal methods used to change constitution more than formal methods?

Informal methods do not really change the Constitution per se, they just change the way it is viewed. An informal method refers to a change in makeup in the Supreme Court, which can alter how laws are interpreted. The only real way to change the Constitution is formally.

Related questions

What document changed the way Americans viewed slavery?

the Declaration of Independence.

What document changed the way many people viewed slavery?

"Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe, published in 1852, is considered a pivotal document that changed public perceptions on slavery. The novel depicted the harsh realities of slavery and its impact on individuals, sparking widespread discussion and contributing to the abolitionist movement in the United States.

How northern abolitionists and southern slaveholders viewed slavery?

that they thought it was wrong that is should be banned and they wanted to change that and stand up for their rights

What did Frederick Douglass try to do to change how most people viewed blacks?

Frederick Douglass tried to change how most people viewed blacks by advocating for abolition, speaking out against slavery, and standing up for equal rights and opportunities for African-Americans. He used his own experiences as a former slave to shed light on the brutality and injustice of slavery, and through his writings and speeches, he aimed to challenge racist beliefs and stereotypes about black people.

Why was slavery viewed as an acceptable practice in the south?

Slavery was viewed as an acceptable practice in the South due to economic dependence on slave labor for agricultural production, especially in industries like cotton and tobacco. Additionally, there were entrenched racial beliefs and social structures that justified the enslavement of Africans and their descendants. The idea of white superiority and the belief that African Americans were inferior helped perpetuate and justify the institution of slavery in the South.

The North viewed slavery as what kind of issue?


The south looked at slavery as an economic issue. The North viewed slavery as what kind of issue?

The South looked at slavery as an economic issue. The North viewed slavery as a moral issue. In the North, slavery was proving to be unprofitable in the North and was dying out by the end of the American Revolution, but in the South white Southerners were increasingly more defensive of slavery.

The South looked at slavery as an economic issue The North viewed slavery as what kind of issue?

The South looked at slavery as an economic issue. The North viewed slavery as a moral issue. In the North, slavery was proving to be unprofitable in the North and was dying out by the end of the American Revolution, but in the South white Southerners were increasingly more defensive of slavery.

Americans viewed English policies after 1763 as a systematic attack on their?

Americans viewed English policies after 1763 as a systematic attack on their constitutional liberties.

What shows how a document will look when it is viewed as a webpage?

web layout

Which statement best characterizes how goerge washington and thomas jefferson viewed the issue of slavery?

they wanted to end slavery

Why can manets Olympia be viewed as a statement about slavery?

Olympia's maid is black.