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Washington's Farewell Address (1796)

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Q: What document warned Americans against political parties and foreign entanglements and regional differences?
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What document did the first continental congress send to King george the third?

A Decleration of Grievances to George III, and, more importantly, defined their political rights as Americans, not simply as British subjects.

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the declartaion of inpendence .. the constitution ...

Fact or opinion the constitution is the greatest political document ever written?

The constitution is the greatest document ever written to some people.To others it is not.It is a person's opinion if they think the constitution is or is not the greatest political document ever written.

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What is a document stating aims and principles of a political party?


What is the document that outlines America's political structure?

U.S. Constitution

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The political ideas that are expressed in the document of 1780 is that the french declaration on the rights of man preached a doctrine of egalitarianism amongst all citizens.

The US Constitution is a living document because Americans can revise it with what instrument can Americans revise the constitution?

An amendmentapex

A document starting the aims and principles of a political party?

This is called a platform.

What is the most important political document?

The Magna Carta signed in 1215.