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Ovulation occurs on the 14th day of a woman menstrual cycle. This means the corpus luteum develops, which produces progesterone. This hormone causes the endometrium to become oedematous and the secretory glands produce increased amounts of watery mucus. The ovum can only survive a short time after ovulation - if the ovum is not fertilised by a sperm cell, menstruation occurs and a new cycle begins.

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Q: What doe's ovulating mean?
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That means you are ovulating.

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What does non ovulating mean?

Ovulation is the period of time a woman is fertile. This is nomally in the middle of a womans cycle lasting 3-7 days. Ive never heard of the term "non-ovulating", but i would have to say it is the days that she isn't ovulating/fertile. Or maybe it refferrs to after menopause, when a woman no longer ovulates, making her infertile.