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It's actually doce y media and it means 12:30 doce= twelve, media means half but in time it's thirty minutes.

'y media' = (literally) 'and half'. If the time is given,it means 'half past....'

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Q: What doe y media mean in spanish?
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How do you say 12 30 in Spanish?

Son las doce y media

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What is twelve thirty in spanish?

"doce y treinta" or "doce y media"

What does y mean its Spanish?

Y in spanish means and.

How do you y mean in Spanish?

'y' in Spanish = 'and' in English

What does diez y media mean?

Diez y media means "ten-thirty" in Spanish. It refers to the time of 10:30 on a clock or watch.

How do you say it's half past ten in spanish?

"Son las diez y media"

How do you say it's 4 30 in Spanish?

son las diez y treinta = it's 10.30 son las diez y media = it's half past ten

What is half 4 in spanish?

If you mean 'half past four' (the time): 'las cuatro y media' If you mean 'half of four' (i.e. 50% of 4, i.e. 2); 'la/una mitad de cuatro' If you mean (as in American English) '3.30': 'las tres y media'

What does y media mean?

and a half