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It means exactly what it says. You must believe that Jesus Christ died for us as a ransom for the sins we all commit. If you do not truly believe that Christ died for you, to save you from certain hell and damnation, then you will spend eterinty with the 'god' of this world, Satan. Trust me, you don't want to end up there. Hell is very real place where right now, souls are screaming in agony. Not just physical pain, which of course is intense beyond what you can imagine, but you will be forever separated from all that is good, meaning God, our Heavenly Father. Separation from God will be the worst punishment imaginable. You have the choice right now to save yourself from such a fate. Rebuke evil, pray daily, love others as Christ loved us, and obey God's commandents. Yes, the 10 commandment are a vital part of the plan. Don't do this for anyone but you. Only you can decide you eternity. Make the right choice.

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Q: What does 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house' mean?
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What do you have to do is be saved?

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and your household.

What can you do to be saved?

"And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."--King James Version, Acts 16:31

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Protestants WANT to be saved and know that if we believe in Jesus Christ, our souls WILL be saved and with him throughout infinity

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Lord Jesus Christ :(Acts 15.11): But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved ,

Who ever confes Jesus Christ is lord?

Whoever confesses in his heart that Jesus Christ is Lord will be saved, but he who does not believe will be damned.

Do Mormons believe that whosoever believes in Jesus will be saved?

Yes! Mormons believe that whoever loves Jesus Christ and follows him will be saved. Jesus said, "if ye love me, keep my commandments." Mormons believe that those who love Christ will keep his commandments, and therefore while eternal blessings come from Christ, most do not come independent of righteousness.

How can a person be saved from Hell?

I believe a person must except that Christ died and rose again that we may be saved. We can not enter the kingdom of God except by Jesus Christ.

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All mankind are saved because of Jesus Christ.

Will Mormons be saved?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that they are saved by the grace and power of Jesus Christ. Many other Christian groups do not accept this claim and say that Mormons are not really Christians and therefore cannot possibly be saved. Whether Mormons truly are saved is for God to decide. Mormons believe that they are saved, but other Christians believe they are not. Check out the "Related Links" to learn more.

What is Jesus Christ the god of?

He is the GOD of everything. There is no other God but him. Jesus Christ belongs to the Holy trinity, the father, son and Holy spirit. It is written "if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, you are saved". Basically, accept Christ as your GOD and say this with all you heart. I believe this no matter what anyone says.

What does Ephesians say God has done for us in Jesus Christ?

Jesus has saved us from God's wrath by his death on the cross and bu Jesus's blood, our relationship with God is restored. That is why you must repent from your ways, accept Christ as your Lord and saviour then you are saved. If you do not believe in this, there is no point reading this

How many times is 'believe in the Lord Jesus Christ' said in the Bible?

It is mentioned once in Acts 16:31:They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household." (New International Version)