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Q: What does 'Mon anniversaries Zest Le Nerf September' mean?
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What does zest mean?

Zest has two definitions. Zest can be the intense enthusiasm , excitement, glee, energy. Her zest for protecting feral cats earned her several awards. Zest is also the outer layer of an orange, lemon or lime peel . To collect it, scrape the fruit with a grater, but not too deeply. The recipe called for the zest of an orange to be sprinkled on.

When will the Nerf brigade come out?

There is no such thing as a Nerf Brigade. Do you mean the Barricade? That comes out November the 15th in the states.

How do you fix a Nerf raider?

If you mean to mod it, check out this guide

What is the release date for Nerf rocket launsher?

What do you mean? The Nerf Titan shoots out rockets. Also, the Big Bad Bow does, too.

What is the first Nerf N-strike blaster ever?

that depends if you mean n-strike i belive it is the nitefider if you mean nerf guns in general I have NO idea. (so nno trolling 'k?)

What does a spanner symbol mean on an peugeot dash 106 zest 2?

that means its due for a service

Do Vulcan Nerf automatic?

do you mean does the Nerf vulcan have automatic fire? if so yes, pressing and holding the trigger is all it takes. provided you added batteries

What did princess leia mean by Nerf-hurter?

She actually say Nerf-herder which probably references some low life farmer of Nerfs. Http://

Where can you get the Nerf longshot special?

If you mean the yellow one, any store selling Nerf guns should have them stocked by nowIf you are talking about the new Nerf sniper rifle, It is actually called the Longstrike. It won't be available until spring of 2010

Can you shoot when the Nerf deploy is in night mode?

Do you mean flashlight mode, because if you do,then no.

What does RV-10 mean in the Nerf barricade RV-10?

Revolver maybe

What type of gun is the Nerf recon?

It resembles an assault riffle I guess. But if you mean what type of Nerf gun than it is a n-strike clip system. Hope this helps.