

What does 'enervate' mean?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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To weaken or deprive of strength.

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A sentence for the word enervate?

She still loved him, but his constant nitpicking started to enervate her. The word enervate can be used as a verb or an adjective.

How can you use the word enervate in a sentence?

The elderly man didn't participate in the marathon because he knew it would enervate him. I will enervate and destroy my opponent. Shouted abuse from the fans could easily enervate a professional sports player.

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What is the definition of enervate?

to cause someone to feel drained of energy

What is a sentence for the word enervate?

(Enervating is tending to weaken, to destroy the strength or will.)The heat is enervating, and we might not finish the hike.She found the constant stress to be enervating.The enervating beam from the evil scientist's machine sapped his strength.

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How do you use enervate in sentences?

(Enervating is sapping or draining the strength, or vitality, or will; causing weakness)Waiting for the doctor's report on the surgery was an enervating experience.The heat and humidity was enervating for the marching band.

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