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Hard to starboard means that the ship's rudder is turned hard to the right moving ship to the right. Leaving it hard to starboard will results in the ship going in circles. Typically the order is followed by a course to steady on.

"Helmsman, rudder hard to starboard, come to course 320!"

"Rudder hard to starboard, coming to course 320, aye, sir!"

"Quartermaster, aye, sir!"

"Sir, steady on course 320, checking course 324, sir!"

"Very well! Steady as she goes!"

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Q: What does 'hard to starboard' mean?
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Can you make a sentence using starboard?

Starboard is to the right; port is left. Taker her hard to starboard, helmsman!

If the Titanic hit the ice berg on the starboard side then how could it have turned hard a starboard if it was turning to the left?

In 1912, hard a' starboard meant turning the ship's STERN to starboard and the bow to port. Today this would be called hard a 'port. So the bow of the ship did indeed turn to the left, causing the iceberg strike on the starboard side.

What does 'starboard' mean?

Starboard is the right side of a ship or aircraft when one is facing forward.

Degree of hard starboard?

30 degrees

What are some examples of 'starboard' in a sentence?

Please move that cargo to the starboard side of the poop deck. Scrub the barnacles from the starboard side of the hull. Turn the wheel hard over to starboard, mister!

Why is the movie line always hard a starboard even though Titanic turned left and hit the iceberg on the starboard side?

"Hard 'a starboard" refers to a Helm Command, not a rudder command. The "Helm" (or tiller) is moved to the starboard side, when the ship is turned left. It's a British term.

What does two short blasts of a boater horn mean?

That you are crossing starboard to starboard or overtaking to port side. (you are passing on YOUR starboard side)

In boating does hard a starboard have two meanings?

In the film Titanic, the Second Officer gives the order 'hard a starboard' when the iceberg is sighted: the helmsman then turns the wheel and the ship to port.The reason is that in the British Merchant Navy steering orders used to be given as helm orders; as though the helmsman at the wheel was actually holding a tiller. So 'hard a starboard' would mean 'put your helm or tiller hard a starboard'. This would turn the ship's rudder to port and so the ship would turn to port.This all changed with the Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load Line Conventions) Act, 1932, which came into effect on 1 January 1933. This brought the British Merchant Navy into line with the rest of the world, so that from that date all steering orders were given as wheel orders, and 'hard a starboard' did in fact mean 'turn right'.

How do you put starboard in a sentence?

"Hard to starboard" was a common word among sailors to indicate the ship's rudder should move to the extreme right.

What do two short blasts from another vessels mean in meeting situation?

They intend to pass starboard to starboard side.

What does two short blasts from another vessel mean in a meeting situation?

They intend to pass starboard side to starboard side.

What does two short horn blasts from another vessel mean in a meeting?

They intend to pass starboard side to starboard side.