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We need to help those in need, regardless of what their religious beliefs are. It doesn't matter who they are, we need to try to help them how ever we can. It means that we should love the sinner, and hate the sin s/he commits.

Answer2: CAN we recognize tendencies toward prejudice in ourselves? For example, do we draw conclusions as to the character of a person based on his skin color, nationality, ethnic group, or tribe-even though we do not know that person? Or can we value each person for his or her unique qualities?

In Jesus' day people who lived in Judea and Galilee generally had "no dealings with Samaritans." (John 4:9) A saying recorded in the Talmud no doubt expressed the feeling of many Jews: "May I never set eyes on a Samaritan."

Even Jesus' apostles may have harbored a degree of prejudice against Samaritans. On one occasion they were not received kindly by a Samaritan village. James and John asked if they should call down fire upon the unresponsive people. By his rebuke, Jesus showed them that their attitude was improper.-Luke 9:52-56.

Jesus related a parable of a man who had been set upon by robbers during his journey from Jerusalem to Jericho. Two religious Jewish passersby were not inclined to help the man. A Samaritan, however, stopped and bandaged the man's wounds. Then he arranged for the man's care so that he could recover from his injuries. That Samaritan proved himself a real neighbor. (Luke 10:29-37) Jesus' parable may have helped his listeners to realize that their prejudice blinded them to the good qualities in others. A few years later, John returned to Samaria and preached in many of its villages-perhaps including the village that he once wanted to have destroyed.-Acts 8:14-17, 25. (fr 9/8/04 Awake "End of Prejudice" Jehovah's Witnesses official website)

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Q: What does 'parable of the good samaritan' mean?
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How should I know answers. com doesn't mean it knows everything.

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