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Q: What does 'quien quiera conmigo diga yo' mean in spanish?
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Diga you is Spanish for what?

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How do you say just say no in spanish?

diga no

When was DiGa created?

DiGa was created in 2011.

How do you say I want you to say something in spanish?

Quiero que diga / digan / digas / digáis algo

How do you say 'what do you want me to say' in Spanish?

You say, "¿Qué quiere / quieren / quieres / queréis que diga?"

What is the same meaning for hello is spanish?

¡Hola!¿Qué tal?¡Bueno / diga / aló (dialectal)! (Al teléfono)

How do I say a little bit in Spanish?

"A little bit" is translated to "un poco."

How do you say happy tequilla - opps I mean birthday in spanish?

Feliz tequila, ohh que diga, feliz cumpleaños

How do you say that's not funny in spanish?

No lo diga / digan / digas / digáis.No diga / digan / digas / digáis eso / aquello / tal / ello.

How do you say don't tell me in spanish?

"No me lo digas." (if you're speaking informally) "No me lo diga (usted)." (if you're speaking formally)

How to ask in spanish to spell something?

Por favor, diga eso en el español ! Deletrear, por favor = Spell, please

Spanish word of hello?

¡Hola! When answering a telephone, instead of saying ¡Hola! many people say, "Diga" which literally means 'Tell' or 'Say.'