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A strtok is used as a search string in computing where it can find a variable that is typed after " " (add a space), and then return it as a string. It is part of the C++ programming technique.

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Q: What does 'strtok' mean in computing?
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How do you use the strtok function?

strtok sequentially truncate string if delimiter is found. If string is not NULL, the function scans string for the first occurrence of any character included in delimiters. If it is found, the function overwrites the delimiter in string by a null-character and returns a pointer to the token, i.e. the part of the scanned string previous to the delimiter. After a first call to strtok, the function may be called with NULL as string parameter, and it will follow by where the last call to strtok found a delimiter. delimiters may vary from a call to another. Parameters. string Null-terminated string to scan. separator Null-terminated string containing the separators. Return Value. A pointer to the last token found in string. NULL is returned when there are no more tokens to be found. Portability. Defined in ANSI-C.