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It could mean someone who is concerned with the release of a prisoner (letting them "walk" is like saying they are released from prison). "Time served" means the time that someone has already spent in jail while they are waiting for their trial, going through appeals, etc. So, in general it sounds like someone who is concerned that a prisoner would be released after serving only the time in prison that he or she served before or while going through the trial process, and not be punished further.

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Q: What does 'walk on time served' mean?
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Can judge take away time served in jail?

If you mean can they apply the time you've already served in jail awaiting trial and reduce your adjudicated prison time by that amount . . . yes, they do in the case of an offense that does not call for a mandatory sentence. If the offense has a legislatively mandatory sentence attached to it, the judge does not have any discretion to do that. I thought by law they have to give all days that were served

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In the state of california how much time to be served for HS11379.6(A) HS11370.2(A) and HS11378

When two sentences from the same case are being served at the same time they are being served what?

They are served concurrently.