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Q: What does 0 filed mean for status?
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What does it mean when a case status reads dismissed on a civil case?

If it is dismissed without prejudice the case can be filed for suit again. And, if it is with prejudice the case will have notes from the judge and be permanently closed.

What are the NC Mobile home repossession laws?

You can claim EIC if you have the filing status 'married filed separately'.

How do you fix the guild NPC in maple story private severs?

the npc: 9040008 script inside put var status = 0; function start() { status = -1; action(1, 0, 0); } function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode == -1) { cm.dispose(); }else if (mode == 0){ cm.dispose(); return; } else { if (mode == 1) status++; else status--; if (status == 0) { cm.displayGuildRanks(); cm.dispose(); } } }

Is 501c3 the same as articles of incorporations?

No, 501c3 are documents filed with the IRS for a Non Profit Corporations' tax exempt status once the Corporation has been filed with the Secretary of states office. Articles of incorporation are documents filed with the secretary of states office to create the corporation.

What does JSTAT mean in legal terms?

It means that they haven't make a decision yet And also mean jail status

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The DAMA payment is still on process....

Your daughter married a Chilean in Chile and they returned to the U.S. They have been married for almost three years and now he has filed for divorce What is his status as far as immigration goes?

As he is a Chilean , by nationality he should have got his immigration first and then filed for a divorce.

If someone filed bankruptcy back in 1999 and a creditor was not listed were they included in the bankruptcy?

No. And if you knew they were a creditor, you could be subject to fraud charges for having filed papers with the court swearing you were declaring your entire financial status and known creditors.

Do you have to file a state return if it is under 1000?

Yes...even 0 returns have to be filed.

What does yard mean in math?

yards is as long as a football filed

What does it mean if a detective sends you a letter saying call him at your earliest convenience about a report that was filed?

That means he wants to speak with you about a report that was filed.

What does status mean in drama?

status mean like you are judging someone else on there level ex: if you are the boss of a company you have the higher status your employments has the lower status