

What does 63 Hz mean?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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10y ago

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Tis a Solfeggio tone. Research needs to be done as to its actual effects, but it is believed to cause stimulation of the pineal gland.

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Q: What does 63 Hz mean?
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The mean (average) of 76, 63, 79, 63, and 74 is 71.

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Mean of 7 and 63= (7+63)/2 = 70/2 = 35

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The frequency units are called hertz (Hz). Sounds between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz can be heard by those with normal hearing. Ultrasound is defined as frequencies greater than 20,000 Hz.

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hertz. it a frequency measurment.

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If you mean in terms of frequency then I'd recommend between 63 Hz and 18000 Hz (18kHz) when producing. If you're talking volume then it's the old 'battle for volume' situation. Most producers will master a track as loud as they can without overloading or adding unwanted distortion or (white)noise. Compress but be careful not to over-compress.

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These are called harmonics. If you have a signal at 60 Hz, then there may be harmonic signals (typically of lesser intensity) at 2x, 3x, 4x, etc. of the base frequency. So these would be at 120 Hz, 180 Hz, 240 Hz, etc.

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Step 1: Find the mean Step 2: Find the deviation from the mean Step 3: Take the absolute value of the deviation Step 4: Find the mean of the absolute deviation. x----x-mean 63 63-63 0 69 69-63 6 62 62-63 -1 57 57-63 -6 64 64-63 1 mean = (63+69+62+57+64)/5 = 63 Taking the absolute deviations, we have 0,6,1,6,1 Averaging these deviations : (0+6+1+6+1)/5 =14/5 = 2.8 Mean absolute deviation = 2.8

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63 + 10 = 73. It means 10 + 63 = x

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