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Adenosine TriPhosphate, it consists of one adenosine molecule (the same adenosine as the nucleotide base in DNA and RNA) to which three phosphate groups are attached. It is used for cellular energy storage, this energy is extracted when needed by the cell by removing one phosphate group leaving ADP or Adenosine DiPhosphate. Other cellular systems using either aerobic or anaerobic metabolism to supply energy reattach a phosphate group to ADP making ATP to rebuild the reserves.

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Q: What does ATP stand for and what are its structural components?
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Where can I see a labeled diagram of ADP and ATP?

Try the two links below for labeled diagrams of ATP. The link for ADP has no labels, but you can recognize the components after looking at the ATP images.

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Phosphate Groups.ADP is Adenosine diphosphate (di as in two)ATP is Adenosine triphosphate (tri as in three)So ATP has one more phosphate molecule than ADP.

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