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Q: What does Albert Hohenzollern do to spread Protestantism in Prussia?
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What was the goal of the Counter-Reformation?

To stop the spread of Protestantism. The Counter Reformation is a movement of internal renewal as well as a response to the spread of Protestantism.

Which idea of Martin Luther's most influenced John Calvin?

the spread of Protestantism

Was most influential in the spread of Protestantism in Europe?

The Printing Press

How was the way Protestantism spread similar to the way things spread through the internet today?

by the right actions

What spread Protestantism throughout Europe?

Answer this question… The invention of the printing press

Who was the most influential in the spread of protestantism in Europe?

King Henry VIII

Which of the following helped spread Protestantism throughout Europe?

The invention of the printing press

Why was English protestantism able to spread so successfully in the 1500s?

English Protestantism was able to successfully spread in the 1500s as a result of politics. Henry VIII, who became disillusioned with the Roman Catholic Church, embraced the idea of Protestantism and pressured his subjects to do likewise. Leaders in other countries did the same thing.

Who is the man that spread the ideas of protestantism across Europe and America?

John Calvin

What french scolar spread protestantisim to Switzerland?

John Calvin (10 July 1509 - 27 May 1564) spread Protestantism to Switzerland.

What meeting did the pope call to devise a plan to stop the spread of protestantism?

the council of trent

Why did spanish monarchs oppose the spread of protestantism?

They viewed it as a threat to their authority.