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She wants to see and meet and talk to Boo Radley at least once.

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Atticus tells Jem that the one thing Mrs. Dubose wanted to do before she died was to break free from her morphine addiction and die without being beholden to it.

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seeing boo radley

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Q: What does Atticus tell Jem was the one thing Mrs. Dubose wanted to do before she died?
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What does atticus tell jem was the one thing mrs.dubose wanted to do before she died?

Atticus tells Jem that Mrs. Dubose wanted to break free from her morphine addiction before she died. He explains that she wanted to die free from the drug's grip, which she successfully achieved.

What does atticuse tell jem was the one thing mrs dubose wanted to do before she died?


How does Jem react to having to read to Mrs Dubose?

Jem is maturing and Atticus told him not to get upset about people making fun of himself so when Jem gets upset and ruins the plants Atticus makes him read to her because he knows it is a 'mature' thing for him to do, it teaches Jem to own up to what he did, Walk in someone else's shoes (underlying theme), and Atticus knows she's addicted to morphine and she might die, and also that she is alone and has no one to read to her.

Does Atticus read to Scout?

Yes its her favorite thing to do before she goes to bed.

What was the last thing tom Robinson told atticus in to kill a mockingbird?

The last thing Tom Robinson said to Atticus in "To Kill a Mockingbird" was, "Goodnight, sir." This was in response to Atticus thanking him after the trial.

What did Jem learn from his encounter with Mrs. Dubose and following her death?

Jem learns the importance of empathy and understanding in one's actions, as he realizes Mrs. Dubose was grappling with her own struggles. He also gains a newfound respect for courage and resilience through her battle with addiction. Following her death, Jem learns the value of forgiveness and how people can exhibit both strength and vulnerability.

What are good congrats presents?

remember the thing they've wanted before, and TRY to give it to them

What are twenty symbols in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Mockingbird Finch Tree Boo Radley Racism Tom Robinson Maycomb Porch Atticus' glasses Courtroom Radley House Tim Johnson (the dog) Atticus' pocket watch Jail cell Fire Scout's overalls Mrs. Dubose's camellias Mockingbird in a cage Jem's broken arm Atticus' suit

What brave thing did Atticus do?

Atticus Finch did many brave thing. But one of the main thing he did was defend a Negroe by the name of Tom Robinson for a crime he did not commit. Even though Atticus knew he had no chance of winning the case, (since the town was compromised mostly of white peoples) he still went ahead and did the right thing. That is the true definition of bravery.

What does miss Maudie mean when she says that Atticus was born to do your unpleasant jobs for us?

Miss Maudie means that Atticus willingly takes on the difficult tasks and responsibilities in the community because it is in his nature to do so. She admires his sense of duty and selflessness in helping others.

What is the significant about atticus saying the same thing that Mr Raymond said to scout and dill who has changed atticus or the towns view of atticus?

Atticus saying the same thing as Mr. Raymond shows that he is empathetic and understanding towards the perspective of others. This display of empathy could potentially change the town's view of Atticus, as they may come to see him as someone who is open-minded and willing to listen to different viewpoints.

What does Atticus say the worst thing you can do is?

He says the worst thing you can do is cheat a black man out of money, it's twenty times worse because you're taking advantage out his ignorance because back then Africans weren't educated. Atticus said that no matter how high you family was or how rich you are, once you did that you were trash, plain and simple.