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You're checking for crackles, rales and/or a wheeze to distinguish between an acute MI (heart attack) and congestive heart failure (CHF). This and other tests as well as good questioning can help form a diagnosis and therefore a treatment plan.

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Q: What does Auscultation of lungs during a heart attack?
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What is pulmonary auscultation?

"Pulmonary auscultation" is a fancy way of saying "listening to the lungs with a stethoscope."

During CPR the and are stimulate?

During CPR the lungs and heart are stimulated.

Auscultation of lungs during an asthma attack-pictures?

When a patient is having an asthma attack, I listen for crackles(a sample of a crackle is like rubbing your hair together near your ear), I listen for wheezes(sounds like a broken rusty whistle) these two sounds will mean something is going on in the lungs either fluid that is not suppose to be there or maybe mucus in the lungs.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal crackling sound?

Crepitus.Abnormal crackling sounds are called rales when heard on ausculation of the lungs, but called crepitus when heart in a joint, gangrenous skin, etc.

What is the definition of stethoscope?

An instrument used in auscultation for examining the organs of the chest, as the heart and lungs, by conveying to the ear of the examiner the sounds produced in the thorax., To auscultate, or examine, with a stethoscope.

During CPR the heart and what are stimulated?

During CPR the heart and lungs are stimulated.

What does clear to auscultation bilaterally mean?

It means there are no abnormal sounds heard in your lungs.

Does a stethoscope listen to the heart or lungs?

Yes a stethoscope listens to the heart,lungs and stomach sounds.It detects all kinds of abnormalities in the heart like murmurs-extra beats known as PVC or PAC's.Lung sounds like pneumonia-respiratory infections etc.Stomach sounds also to see if the bowels are working correctly.

During CPR the heart and lungs are stimulated?


How do you perform auscultation?

To perform auscultation, place a stethoscope on the skin to listen to sounds produced by the body, such as the heart, lungs, or intestines. Make sure the area is quiet, and be sure to listen for the specific sounds associated with each body system. Adjust the pressure of the stethoscope as needed to clearly hear the sounds.

What is an abnormal respiratory sound heard on an auscultation?

An abnormal respiratory sound heard on auscultation could be an indication of fluid in the lungs and reduced airflow to the part of the lungs. Abnormal respiratory sounds may come in the form of rales, rhonchi, stridor, or wheezing.

What is the importance of having a person grab their shoulders during posterior lung auscultation?

grabbing their shoulders sits them upright, which brings the lungs closer to the inner wall of the back and the lung sounds are easier to hear.