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This shows that America is at a point where we can see black, African Americans as leaders. The nomination and subsequent election as president shows how far the status of the African American people has come since the 1950's or since the end of slavery in the United States.

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Q: What does Barack Obama's Democratic Nomination have to do with Dr. Martin Luther King?
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Who is the first black to receive the democratic presidential nomination?

Barack Obama was the first African American to receive the Democratic presidential nomination, in 2008. He won the election by about 10 million votes.

African American heros?

harriet Tubman, martin Luther king and martin Luther king junior, Barack Obama

Who is just like Martin Luther King Jr?

Barack Obama is a little like Martin Luther King Jr.

Who are Barack Obama's heroes?

Martin Luther King Jr.

Who is better Barack Obama or Martin Luther King Jr.?

Barack lacks the character Dr King had.

Is Martin King Jr Barack Obama's friend?

No because martin luther king jr died in before barack obama became president

How are Barack Obama and martin Luther king different?

they did not go to the same school

How did Martin Luther King Jr. contribute to Barack Obama's presidency?

He didn't.

What would Martin Luther King Junior say to president Barack Obama as president Obama begins his second term?

Martin Luther King Jr. could say anything to President Barack Obama. There is not a right or wrong answer.

How is Barack Obama Martin Luther King juniour drean come true?

Martin Luther King Jr. and Obama did not share the same dream. Mr. King was a Republican.

Who is barack obama's heroes?

Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhit, Cesar Chavez

Martin Luther King Jr you are not makers of history you are made by history?

He changed history with his numerous peaceful protests in the most segregated areas. His march on Washington, D.C. was an impetus for change in Washington. After it, two other Civil Rights bills were passed and, albeit gradual, civil rights were achieved/ and still are being a achieved with great thanks to him. He also led to the way for other to continue his work after he was cowardly assassinated. Barack Obama wouldn't have a chance at running for the democratic party's nomination if Martin Luther King Jr. wouldn't of changed & made history.