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Q: What does Boise have in common with other capitals?
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Boise Is the Capital

Which state capitals begin with b?

The state capitals that begin with "B" are Baton Rouge (Louisiana), Bismarck (North Dakota), Boise (Idaho), Boston (Massachusetts), and Boise City (Oklahoma).

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What does California's capital have in common with other capitals?

. It has Hollywood in it. dah.

What does Springfield have in common with other capitals?

in or near the center of the state

What does your state capital have in common with other capitals?

they all luv each other

What states capitals in the US have only 5 letters?

Boise, ID Dover, DE Salem, OR

What are the names of five capital cities?

Columbia Sacramento Montpelier Boise Albany. Capitals of us states

What capital city is Boise?

It was Lewiston at first, but disputes over where the capital should be resulted in it being moved to Boise. Boise was growing in size and closer to the center of the state. Lewiston was too far north. It can be argued that Boise is now too far southwest, but there aren't big enough cities near the true center of the state to make one capital. Plus, many capitals aren't in the center of their states anyway.

What us state capitals start with b?

The US state capitals that begin with B are:Baton Rouge, LA (Louisiana)Bismarck, ND (North Dakota)Boise, ID (Idaho)Boston, MA (Massachusetts).

What does Denver have in common with other capitals?

It is centrally located. Exceptions exist such as the noteworthy example of Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Where does the Washington capitals train?

The Washington Capitals practice at the Kettler Capitals Iceplex, which is on top of the parking garage at the Ballston Common Mall.