

Best Answer

CAGE is a screening test for alcohol abuse that consists of four questions:

  1. Have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking?
  2. Have you ever been Annoyed when people have commented on your drinking?
  3. Have you ever felt Guilty or badly about your drinking?
  4. Have you ever had an Eye opener first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?

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Q: What does CAGE stand for?
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on smackdown vs raw 2009 you stand on the top of the cage by going to the door and press x then when the door opens go to any side of the cage and press x then your person should climb the cage and stay there.

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She's probably about to lay an egg, or is attempting to nest.

Do lovebirds like to be let out of their cages?

To see if ur birds like to be out of their cage, I would open the cage door. My bird will come out cuz she likes to be out. She will stand on the door or top of the cage. If they are new they might take a while to come out but most birds like to be out of their cage. Hope this helps:)

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yes in a steel cage matchon 1 night stand

What are the messurements of a big guinea pig's cage?

A cage should be big enough for the pet to stand up in. It should be long enough for the pet to turn around in. The normal size for a guinea pig is a cage that is 2 feet by 2 feet and a foot tall.

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Its another way of sayin lol in a Mexican versionIt means "Casi Me Cage" I almost pooped.

How do you get past the bars on vampire's curse island?

You can only get the key to Katya's cage after you have formulated the three ingredients into an anti-vampirism serum. When you have it, there will be a silver cane in the cane stand that you can use to hook the cage key.

What do you need when you go and buy your bunny's cage?

You need a big, tall cage, big enough so that the rabbit doesn't look or feel cramped up, and tall enough that the rabbit can stand up on his hind legs and not be bothered by the cage ceiling. Also, it's better to get a cage which is not grilled (which might cause sore hocks for the rabbit's feet), but a cage with a proper, flat floor. Also remember the extra space needed for the poo tray. Get a water bottle which can hook onto the cage.

How big should a mini lop cage be?

Tall enough so that he can stand on his hind legs without his ears touching the "ceiling" of his cage, and wide enough so he can turn around comfortably. If he's a baby, get a cage that will fit him when he's grown. Try to get a big cage, so that if he doesn't get to run in the garden or house that much, at least he can hop around in his cage. Bunnies need at least three hours of time outside their cage daily for play, exercise, socialising, etc. If a bunny's cage is small, it needs even more time out. See the related links below for more info.